Monday, November 28, 2011

This is the email.....

  • children
    so, I find myself in an unexpected spot here. Dara I have hated you for years but today I fear for you, you and your children. I have learned Keith molested both of my kids the who;e time we were together and then some. He was brutal with Randal, disgusting with both; a true maggot! I know you will find this hard to believe I did too. you will probably think I am crazy or some shit like that but I hope it pl;ants enough of a seed for you to watch for your kids better than I did. I just felt immediately scared or terrified for them when Angel and Randy opened up about things. Angel said when she was scared for your babies so I felt compelled to let you know~ from one Mom to another~
  • January 7
    Dara Faul
    • Michelle,
      I've spent the last couple of days trying to think of what to say when I respond to you about this situation and I hope I've found a positive way to do this. I appreciate you making sure that I was aware of the situation. As a mother, I understand where you're coming from. I did ask Kevin and Raine if Dad had ever touched them inappropriately and both of them were very adament that he never had. Obviously Matthew isn't old enough to be asked but I imagine the story is the same there too.
      My concern here is that you are making allegations that are not true. If Randy and Angel legitimately told you that Keith had done something like that, your reaction is totally understandable. However, if you were to truly think logically about this, you would know that Keith has never and would never molest a child. I have tried to think of a time when Keith has ever been inappropriate with the kids and I can't think of one time when that has happened. Furthurmore, a child molester doesn't quit offending when the victims aren't readily available. If Keith was a sexual offender, Kevin and Raine would have been victimized and that hasn't happened. In fact, Kevin and Raine didn't know that there are Dads out there that do that kind of sick stuff. Both of them are devastated that someone could say that their Dad would do something so horrifying.
      I realize that there is a lot of bad blood between the 3 of us and that makes this situation even more complicated. I have never talked to you directly about this situation but do know that neither Keith or I are proud of how this came down. We realize that you were deeply hurt and we take responsibility for that. I would hope that you would not allow the bad circumstances of the end of your relationship and the beginning of ours to affect the relationship Keith has with the kids. Keith loves Randy and Angel. He always has. When you guys split up, that was one of his biggest priorities. Making sure that he kept a solid parental relationship with the kids. Unfortunatly time and circumstance has made that more difficult but I know that especially Angel is still a big part of Keith's heart. He might have Matthew but Angel has always been Daddy's little girl to him.
      I don't know what would have caused Randy and Angel to make these claims against Keith. The whole thing baffles me. I do know that both Randy and Angel feel very responsible for you and they can see the hurt and resentment that you carry concerning Keith. I remember feeling that way as a kid when it came to my Mom so I can understand where the kids are coming from. But to accuse Keith of child molestation is taking the situation too far. I hope you are willing to look more into these accusations before you take irreparable action. We wish you and the children no ill will but we are prepared to stand our ground on this.
      God Bless

    • well it is your choice to live with Dara, we will and already have prayed for you and your children of whom Angel has expressed a concern for. She really wanted to make sure I told you, but anyhow. Now as far as Mr. Faul do not worry; I will follow my children's accusations up with proof in a court of law! he will go to prison for what he has done. The process has already begun here. Dara I wish you no ill will either and pray to God he has never touched yours, but I definately beleive my kids about this. they are not lying and he will pay for the irreparable damage he has left behind. But I will do it all legal like don't worry.
      I knew you would defend and feel it was not true Dara, I am still in shock myself. But after the last four days for sitting of holding my kids who could finally let this out shell shocked is more like it. My poor babies My God! Dara my kids are not lying. Good luck and as you said GOD BLESS YOU & YOUR CHILDREN
    This is the email that started the nightmare that has plagued our family for the past year.  My husbands mentally unstable ex-girlfriend sent me a Facebook message to tell me that my husband was a pedophile who had allegedly raped her children.  We were well aware of the allegations against my husband because a couple of days before she sent this email, she called my husband on his cellphone while he was at work.  She was screaming at him and telling him repeatedly, "I AM GOING TO RUIN YOUR LIFE!  YOUR LIFE IS OVER!"  Sadly, this isn't the first time this woman has said these words, and it certainly wasn't the first time she had attempted to attack us.  For years this woman has made it her life goal to make our lives hell.  Every time that either her, or her children were involved in any aspect of our lives, it was chaos and hatefulness.  In 2003 I had to actually file a restraining order against this woman because she had picked up a nasty habit of stalking my home and my children.  She left a black rose on my doorstep.  Everytime she would see my husbands truck in my driveway, she would call or have her children call him to get him away from me.  She even threatened the safety of my children, who were 3 and a newborn at the time, by telling my bestfriend who was watching them, that if I knew what was good for them, I wouldn't allow my children to play outside.

    2011...The year we will always remember

    Thanksgiving has passed and we are moving onto Christmas.  The one year anniversary of my children's abduction by CPS and our passage into hell is coming up in January.  It has been an incredibly stressful year and as it comes to a close, I realize that if I can withstand everything that has happened to us, then I am prepared to face anything in life and take the bull by the horns.

    Tomorrow is a big day for us.  Tomorrow, our DFCS case is scheduled to be dismissed.  I have had this blog patiently waiting in the wings for this day.  I want to share with the world how absolutely ridiculous and backwards our CPS system is in this country.  How these social workers are allowed absolute power with no system of checks and balances.  The Constitutional rights that we as Americans think we have but in reality, do not.  The sheer rage that imminates through my body when I realize the trauma my family had to suffer through because of a jealous mentally unbalanced ex-girlfriend and the messed up kids she raised.

    My silence has come at a cost.  It is time to pay the piper.......